During the fall Target had put everything from the dollar spot on 75% clearance. I picked up many things, including these large magnetic clips. They originally had the logos from popular cereal brands on them. I cover them with fun papers. The bird one was a postcard from a gallery opening. The others are made with scrapbooking paper that I really love. One of these days I may simply have to copy the idea of the flowers onto a quilt. I made them slightly 2D by cutting out important images and mounting them with foam tape. I then covered all of it with Mod Podge and let it dry. The next day I embellished them with rhinestones and fibers. Ellie hopes that I keep all of them. I think she really hopes that the bird one might become hers.
Saturday we had our annual triple birthday party for my husband, my daughter and my mother in law. We had the whole family over for dinner and fun. We had great food. Doug made Chinese Green Beans - a recipe worth looking up. Ellie got some fun gifts, including a wonderful kit to make a paper 3D Elephant. I will post about that later.
On Sunday Ethan and I worked in the garden. We find freshly tilled soil to be a beautiful thing. Today it was heavenly. We thought it would be hard going, like usual, but this year it was very easy. It seems that having the soil under many feet of snow for a few months is the key to easy tilling. We took out the old dead stuff, worked on the soil and even planted a few things. So far we have three kinds of beets, two kinds of carrots, two kinds of peas and about six kinds of lettuce.
I've been having fun making more bags. The cloth one is an improvement over the last one I made with the blue & brown polka dots. When I made that bag I pleated the top, but not th bottom of the lower section of the bag. The result is that when it is full of stuff the bottom gets wide and flat. I actually seem to be the only one that notices that. However, I wanted the bag that I make for myself to be different. Thus, I did twin pleats on the top and bottom seams of the lower section of my bag. I love the fabrics I used. The flower fabric is from Jane Sassamon's new collection. I have used material from that line for many things. The prints are too large to work into clothing, but I am doing my best to make the work elsewhere. The purple fabric is from my friend, Natalie. I think she got it at Superbuzzy. The yellow fabric matches perfectly with the flower fabric. It sports Chinese characters. I am pleased with the outside of the bag. The inside is a different matter. I did not taylor the inside, I simply cut and gathered material the size of the lower portion of the bag. The result is that it looks puffy. The upper section is quilted to give it some strength. I eched the flower pattern from the lower section.
The other bag is almost ready to be felted. I had knitted the handles, but saw another technique on line where you cast on 120 stitches and work just a few rows, instead of the cast on 10 stitches and tons of rows. I am not sure if I will both to rip the other and reknit it. If I do I know it will have straighter lines. The quesiton is, could I get that if I simply blocked the other well?
This was a busy weekend. We celebrated Ellie's 10th birthday. It is wild to have two double digit children. It makes me both happy and sad. We have a gaggle of girls over for a sleepover. We began with an art class at the local fine art supply store, Meininger's. The girls got to do a colorful, holographic version of scratchboard. None of them had done that be for and really enjoyed it. Then we had dinner at home. This was followed by a scavenger hunt for party prizes and Ellie opening her presents. Then the girls decorated the journals they each received. We pulled out loads of markers and stamps for them to go crazy with. They loved that. Then the watched a movie, staying up late. In the morning we found them all crammed into one bed - a funny sight. On Saturday they spent the day at the zoo. Ellie was happy with how the party went. Ethan to to go to La Junta to work on his Indian Lore merit badge. He had a blast. They got to visit Bent's Fort and sleep in the Koshare Indian Museum. At night they slept in the remake of a kiva. Thankfully it was heated, unlike the real thing. bHe said the people of that town were wonderful. He wants to go again.
We enjoyed watching "Stranger Than Fiction." If you are looking for an interesting movie, this might be it. It has Will Ferrell and Emma Thompson in t.
After making so many knitted hats of late, I decided make a felted bag. I love the one Peg did and I go crazy for the ones at a local knitting store, so I decided to get started. A friend wanted to learn to knit, so we are doing these bags side by side, sort of. To ensure success we both got good, basic yarn. We started with two colors of Lamb's Pride wool and will get artsy by adding in a Noro yarn. You can see how the Noro is looking once I carried it with the solid color. I thought it would be a more distinct band, but instead it is more transitional. I carried the Noro with the periwinkle for a time, then switched over to the fusha. It helped things blend better. I am very happy with how it is coming along. I am excited to get it done. Currently my knitting rides around in a plastic bag from the store. It will be wonderful to have a nice felted one instead.
On a different note, I want to praise my husband. Yesterday we had Parent Teacher Conferences. My first conference was the meeting from hell. It proves that teaching HS seniors can be a dangerous, threatening business at times. I will not go into the details. We will leave it with you knowing that a student lied to his mother. She wanted to rip me in half because she thought the lie was true. The UNFOUNDED verbal and nearly physical attack was bad enough that people from all around the room stopped to watch. Another person went to get an administrator to stop the attack. The administrator had to take her by the arm and remove her. As they exited she was screaming that she would have me disbarred (never mind that teachers do not take the bar exam - thatwould be lawyers!) Once it was done, I was upset. I went to a private room where cried and vented. In my 17 years of teaching I have never been treated in such a way. If I was not so mad, I would be embarrassed for the scene they caused for themselves. Anyhow, I called my husband telling him I needed him to be available to talk when I got home. I would need some TLC. I also told him that I did not have a scrapper in my car. I was not sure how I would clean the snow and ice off of my car. Later when I went to my car I found that my dear husband had come to my car, scrapped it off and left me a new scrapper along with a paper flower my daughter made. What a great feeling that was. Isn't it wonderful that chivalry isn't dead? At least not within my family. So I went home to cry a bit more and find comfort in the love of my husband.