There is a saying that when one door closes, another one opens. Our story today is a wonderful example of that.
We are on winter break and we decided that it would be a good time to start figuring out what kind of kitties we wanted to get. Heaven knows we have to have kitties! We visited two of the local no-kill shelters. We found lots of lovely kitties. Many of whom could have been good additions to our home, but none of them said, "I MUST go home with you." I began to wonder why that was. It seemed odd. I thought maybe I was just not ready to get new kitties yet. We took a break from looking to visit a friend and exchange presents. She owns a farm and has wild life conservancy land. As we were leaving Ethan noticed two kittens huddled in a deep bank of snow along Karen's fence. We got out of the car to check on them. As Ethan picked up one it meowed for the other. They are obviously siblings. They were cold, wet and scared. Our hearts went out to them. We took them into the car to warm them up and get them dry. They were thankful to have been found. It was clear that they were not outdoor or feral cats since they did not know how or where to hide. We were concerned that the kittens had gotten lost so we walked around the neighborhood to try and find their home. After going door to door we found that no one recognized them. One person told us that lots of animals get dumped. People seem to think that any animal knows how to hunt and be safe. After a lot of grappling we decided to take them to the local shelter to see if they had been micro chipped. We wanted to make sure that these beautiful babies got back home. The people at the shelter scanned them and found no microchip. We then had to make a choice. My husband was concerned because we know nothing about them. The kids and I could not stand the idea of putting them in the shelter and we really wanted them. These kitties were the reason we did not respond to the others. We are sure of it.
We took them home. The next step was to see what they thought of Reisha, our Golden Retriever. She was as happy as the rest of us. She smiled and waged her tail. The boy kitten was curious. The girl was not so sure about the dog. A few hours later we let them see each other and were happy to find it was a good match.
The kittens must have been outside for some time. They ate and pooped three times within the first few hours at home. Then they explored every room on our main floor. It was clear by then that they were going to stay. We decided to call the girl Moxy and the boy is Toby.
The kids are sure that they were sent to us by our beloved kitties who have passed away. Toby has many of Winston's unusual behaviors. He drinks, eats and plays like Winston did. Moxy, on the other hand, looks a lot like Winston and acts a bit like Chesterfield did. It seems too much like a coincidence that we needed two kitties and that we found two kitties. In all my years I have not seen kittens in the snow like these were. We are so happy and thankful that this miracle has occurred. As I write this blog entry the kittens are running and playing. They are even including Reisha in the escapades. Don't you think these babies were heaven sent?