Okay, today was a triumphant lesson in needing to trust and not over manage our kids. Ellie did an amazing job at the race today. It took place at Mount Evans, a very long, steep mountain in Colorado. She did the 11.1 mile hill climb in 1:55:10. It would have taken me most of the day. Thus, she has earned fifth place in the Junior Woman's 10-12 Colorado Hill Climb Championship. Will ya' look at those legs? I worried that she would find it too much and quite. I could not have been more wrong. I am so proud of her determination and power. Ethan was bummed that he could not race since he has a cast, but instead he helped my husband, Larr, take great photos. What a trooper he was. I had to drop him off at the finish line at around 7:30 since the adult races were starting. His photos were amazing, as always.
At Thursday's practice we had a surprise birthday party for the head coach. I made him a gear bag and he was happy to receive it. I also made a banner with my Cricut. That's all the crafting I have been able to manage.
Now, I just need to wrap my head around packing for a two week trip to southern California. Tomorrow at this time we should be on a beach! We are going sans the computer, so I will be signing off for now.
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