The last few weeks have been a blur, a blur of fun, of family, of dinners with large groups of people and reckoning. I think we have been busy every night for over two weeks. I am excited at the prospects of being home this evening. I have fantasies of sitting on the couch knitting, watching a movie with my family and hopefully petting a cat (even as he tries, and usually succeeds, in eating my yarn).Here's what we have been doing:
Uncle Doug came to town. When that happens we see very little of Ethan as the two of them spend as much time together as possible. They always build something ubercool. This time is was a home made vacuum plastics molding machine so that Ethan can make cool stuff life a Master Chief (Halo) costume. Now, I know this is not your usual 15 year old boy thing, but that's what comes of having a plastics engineer grandfather. It is not unusual for our family dinners to contain talk of grades of plastic, how things are formed or molded and how to invent things. Ethan was thinking he would be an architect, now he is thinking about plastics engineering. Anyhow, Doug is a master at understanding how to construct nearly anything you want. I love that they have so much fun together.We had lots of get togethers when he was in town for eight days.

Aunt Lynne, Uncle Ed, Paul and Kathy came to town the day after Doug left. We love to visit with them, too. Lynne and I discuss fibers. We played several wicked games of Scrabble and Scrabble Up. We had dinners in restaurants, at various houses and simply enjoyed the visiting.
A Good Luck Dinner for Keenan who is a young friend going into the Marines. He left on Sunday and will be in Basic Training until February. When Keenan was young he used to hang with us a lot since his parent's worked. He went to our school so he would come in the early morning, have breakfast, go to school with the kids and Larr. Sometimes he would come home with us, too. He also spent many summers being a pseudoWelshon, going to swimming lessons, trips to the mountains and everything else we did. He has been in the Young Marines since he was 10. He has worked towards this goal for years. I am both excited for him and fearful. We love him and don't want him in harm's way. His mother, Janet, had a large Thanksgiving style dinner that many of us enjoyed. I will be posting a few of her recipes soon.I especially enjoyed watching and listening to my son, seeing how he is in his group of friends. I had to be a bit brave at the party because I am sad that he is going.

We've been at the Races. This past weekend we had two races that were both the final race for each of the seasons and my kids did well. Ethan came in first place in both series. I am so pleased that he finally got a medal. The race on Saturday awarded prizes as well medals and both kids got nice sun glasses. (I had hoped to have a photo of that but Ethan changed out of his uniform very quickly and I missed the opportunity to snap the photo.) They look like 1970's throwbacks, but the kids dig them and that's all that counts. On Sunday they got to pick a prize from the table. They had fun at the races with the unseasonably warm weather we have been having.
I've been at the teacher appreciation event at Meininger's Art Store. They have a wonderful and exciting event each year for art teachers. While I am not actually an art teacher, I do enough with the Anime club and other art related things at school that I get an invitation each year. I had so much fun learning new things about products that I love, eating fun food (like potstickers and coconut shrimp) and being tempted to buy stuff. Sometime I forget how much fun it is to do art for the joy of creating. I am so into the Adobe style art right now that I have gotten away from the art room. I have some plans to get back to it soon.
I've been at meetings. They usually don't bunch up like that, but somehow they converged to having too many in two weeks time.
And I have been in class. I am excited to show you what I have been creating, but that will have to wait until it is closer to being finished.
Whoa, are you tired yet? I know I am. Let's hope my knitting, cocooning fantasy comes true tonight, after we get hair cuts and I make dinner after work, that is...