Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Techo Breakdown x 3

The last 20 hours have been a little odd. I think I am being followed by a techo gremlin.
Yesterday my overhead projector broke while I was teaching comma usage. (I can tell you that my 10th graders were not too disappointed with that development - oh gee, shunkee darn - you mean we can't continue with commas for today?) Then as I was dropping of Ethan the Scoutmaster says, "Tammy, something is wrong with your antifreeze or your radiator. The fan should not be running like that." (My mechanic will be happy to help me with this for a mere $410.) Finally, during first hour my computer at my desk quietly died. I was reading email and it simply sputtered quietly and when black. It turns out that the coupler needs to be replaced. The IT guys was clever and removed my hard drive so I still have all of my information and bookmarks. My students tried to comfort me by telling me that bad things happen in threes, "Really, Miss, they always happen in threes, so you should be good for a long time. Really!" My kids are sweet. I hope they are also right - three breakdowns is enough for this gal.

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