When my colleagues and I were talking about our plans for the weekend last Thursday I told them that Ethan and I were going to Wyoming to do some blacksmithing. One of the new members of our department thought I was joking. Another laughed and told me she loved me because I am so random. I am not quite sure why my answer was random, but I will take the odd compliment.
Ethan is in that stage of his life where his growing up physically, emotionally, intellectually, etc. seems set on hyper speed and I'm likin'it. Last Wednesday he packed nearly everything we would need in the van without my asking. This is the first time he has done that. In the past I had to talk him into helping me get ready to take him to a camp. And I'll tell you, he did a great job. When came home after school on Friday we just had a few last things to pack and we were on our way. This time we also stopped by to pick up Tom, one of Ethan's favorite friends. Tom had never done anything like blacksmithing so we hoped that it would be a treat for him. We pulled into the Lamarie County Fair Grounds as they sun was just setting. The huge tent was set up and Jim's RV was parked near it. We pulled up, greeted them, got our spot picked out and began to get set up. Earlier in the season we had sent out our tent pole to get fixed. You can imagine my surprise when I found that we had forgotten to put them back into the bag. Luckily Ethan could bunk with Tom in his tent and I could sleep on the floor of the van since we had taken out a seat to make room for Ethan's forge. I spent most of the evening talking with Jim about Flickr groups and photoshop or digital photography manipulation techniques. I was really wishing I had my computer so I could give HDR a try. I was also pleased to find that a lovely kitty, Clinker, lived on the land and he was happy to be held. IN fact, at about 3:00 a.m. I heard a funny sound on the van. I woke, a bit startled, to find a furry little face staring at me, hoping I would let it in. I invited Clinker in and we slept together for the rest of the night. I loved having him curled up next to me, purring away. He even did the paw neading thing that kitties do when they are happy. At home the cats are not allowed up stairs, so it was a treat for both of us.
Saturday Ethan and Tom had a grand time. Jim and Levi (pictured above) were very helpful. Levi (the guy with the fish shirt) sold Ethan his forge. He worked on it a little more to improve how it operates. He also shared knowledge and encouragement. Jim (the guy hammering) was also very helpful and encouraging. I love how wonderful all of the blacksmiths are. They never talk down or never discourage you, regardless if you are 14, 30 or 80. I have yet to meet a blacksmmith that is not a lovely person. Ethan turned an old railroad spike into a hardy tool, a thing that he can put on his anvil and use in a saw you might use scissors on paper. He also made a bunch of handmade nails. A local guy also helped both Tom and Ethan make knives, but Ethan's burned up in the fire. Tom's made it home safely. I think Tom had a good time, too. He seemed more interesting in helping Ethan tend the forge than actually working with the metal.
While the boys hammered I went shopping at the Sierra Trading Post Outlet store.We don't have those in Colorado, but I always have luck when I happen to get to go there. This time I scored big. I have a HARD, HARD,HARD time finding and affording shoes for myself. My Berkinstock Clogs were purchased the winter before Ethan was born. I have had them resoled and fixed a number of times, but they were showing their age. I just could not stomach the $250+ to replace them. Can you image how excited I was when I found the perfect pair, brand new, and they rang up at $45? I also scored a pair of tennis shoes, of sorts. Again, with my wide hobbit-like feet finding closed shoes that fit is a trick. I found lovely ones by Teva (who knew they made more than sandals) that worked well. The original price was $180. I got them for $35. I also picked up a pair of jean painter style pants for Ellie for a whopping $3.50. Ethan got outfitted with four shirts and a pair of pants. Those were all screaming deals as well as the pants I got for Larr. When I returned it was nearly dinner time. I advantage of a bit of down time to go for a bike ride. It was lovely. There was a light, cool breeze and the skies were ablaze in shades of pink and orange. I rode on the washboard bumpy dirt road until I got to the paved road that ran parallel to the fair grounds. It was a fun ride, but a bit unusual as I sped past five large, lazy snakes (most likely bull or corn snakes) that looked like chunks of striped ribbon on the road. They had slithered out onto the clean, warm road. They did not even seem to notice when I rode by. You can bet that I went well around those big boys. Jim's wife made everyone a lovely dinner which was appreciated by all. She made most of the stuff from scratch, including several loaves of pumpkin bread and a chocolate caramel whipped cream cake.
Sunday we thought the boys would go at it again but they were too dogged tired to do any blacksmithing. We mostly packed up the van, BSed with the guys, went to Levi's house to buy a stand jack and then we headed home. Ethan and Tom took advantage of the fact that you can buy and fire off many firecrackers in Wyoming. We stopped by one of the stores. Ethan made a few purchases and they had a great, noisy time shooting them off. By the time we got home I was wiped, too. We enjoyed a Grandma Eleanor cooked meal while we watched the Olympic closing ceremony. It was quite a show.
It was a lot of fun, but I am hoping we stay home next weekend. I think we have been on an adventure nealy every weekend of the summer. Approaching fall with change that soon enough.
Monday it was back to normal, back to work...