Friday, August 01, 2008

Summer Drink & Dessert Recipes - Lunch with Girlfriends

I was recently lamenting that I had to go back to work soon and I had not lunch with any of my girl friends. I love to have friends over, but just can't put that together right now. My dear friend Laura stepped in and offered to have a luncheon for a few of us up at her house in the mountains. We got together on Thursday and had such fun. I brought drinks and a dessert. My idea had been to do an ice tea tasting but it morphed into a bit more. I had fun reading about different tea recipes on Posie Gets Cozy, a blog I really enjoy. In the end I made regular ice tea with Constant Common with lemon, blueberry ice tea made with True Blueberry tea from Celestial Seasonings, Mint Juleps and Basil Lemonade. The blueberry ice tea is a favorite of my family. I nearly had to guard it so that it would not disappear before the party. The Mint Julep recipe is reminiscent of the drinks we had when we had lunch at the Blue Bayou/ Pirates of The Caribbean restaurant last summer during our Disney vacation. The Basil Lemonade was a big, unusual risk that paid off well. It was the favorite of many of us. (I hope to make a recipe card for it this weekend.) I got the recipe from the comments section from Posie's blog. I also made a wonderful dessert that I will post about some time soon. If you would like to see and/or download the recipe card just click on the image to bring up a larger version.

Enjoy and Stay hydrated!

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