Monday, March 01, 2010

Ethan's First Cotillion Class

Wow, has it really been just over a week since I posted? I hate when that happens. It is always during those periods where I have too many after work meetings. Last week was so busy that I don't think I had an entirely free evening from Sunday until Friday. Then I spent the weekend cleaning and getting some computer work done. Okay, enough already. This post is actually about Ethan's first cotillion class.

As I mentioned before, I was surprised at how excited Ethan was for his classes to start. He even carefully scheduled his day to make sure he had plenty of time to get ready. Ellie was excited for him, too. We were all curious as to what it would actually be like. I had expected that Larr and I would go together, drop him off, go have coffee somewhere and then pick him back up. I even dressed the part, complete with rhinestone studded hairclips. However, Ethan gently informed me that this was sort of his thing with dad (since they have done all the shopping, lessons on ironing and how to do a tie) and that I should stay home. I was momentarily disappointed, but very quickly swept away by the sweetness of that sentiment and so I took photos instead. It really was sort of a Rockwell type of moment.

They left with plenty of time to find the Elk's Lodge and arrive on time. Ellie and I worked on computer based stuff. I finished the edits for a technical manual Larr wrote and then completed the sets of 2009 Black Sheep racing photo pages I started a while back. I was very happy, and a bit relieved, frankly, to be done with that. It was fun, but got a bit repetitious since we have so many kids on our team. Once I make a cover, spine and back I will post a slide show. We both kept an eye on the time. We were hot to find out how it all went.

The boys arrived home a little after 9:00 p.m. Ethan was still very excited and had a great time. Once they arrived the instructors had the boys line up against one wall and the girls along another. They were then put into pairs. Each person met the other. Then they went through a receiving line with the young man introducing the young lady and learning to shake hands with a proper amount of grip and a gleam in their eyes. After that the young men escorted the ladies to the tables. This was followed by dance instruction. They did the fox trot, the tango and the jitterbug. The dancers changed partners with each dance. By the end of the evening Ethan had danced with six young ladies. There was also a break during which the young man seats the lady, then retrieves refreshments, being sure to offer the young lady her choice of drinks first. During all of this there is a lot of bowing and curtsying. At the end of the evening they learned how to have a proper parting and were on their way. Ethan came home brimming with advice for his young sister. He was firm in the idea that she should wear gloves, "Ellie, think of it. Each guy dances with six girls. He always touches her shoulder and her hand. That is like you touching all of those guys, plus the ones the other girls danced with. You have to get some gloves!" Her eyes were wide. This girl who previously announced that she would not wear gloves quickly changed her mind. He then preceded to give her a bit of dance instruction and talked the whole time about how he can't wait for the next class. I could not have asked for a better report!

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