I have a wonderful student teacher this semester. Her name is Heather. I'm thrilled to have a chance to work with her. She has been with us since the beginning of the semester. I share her with Kassidy. On the first student contact day before our student showed up I gave her a silly present. First, I handed her a note and a bag of little presents.The note had clues and numbers. She was to read the note and pull out the numbered present in order to finish the sentence/idea. Here's what it was all about:
"In order to help you on your way to becoming a [1 a rock and star stickers]Rock Star Teacher, I've gathered a few things you'll need: I imagine that you'll [2 a timetracker planner] plan on makind it a hit, too. It'll be importnat to keep me [3 post-it notes] posted, and keep your stuff [4 stapler} together. There [5] will be basic stuff to learn. Somethings will need revisions [6 white out].I look forward to the highlights [7 highlighters] of your endeavor. You'll remember some of them forever. It is the start of a wonderful career. You'll do it with style [8 AHS Honor Society shirt] and spirit [9 AHS "Be the Change You Wish to See" shirt]. I'll do my best to help make sure you [10 ruler] rule! Good Luck! We are here to support you!
On the news front, I am happy and relieved that all of the Chilean miners who were trapped underground for 69 days are finally free. I was sort of captivated by the whole rescue process. I, like so many around the world,watched the live coverage from time to time. I was so impressed with the positive health and spirit of each miner as he broke free from the cage that brought him up from the rocky hell they were encased in for so long.
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