Tuesday, March 01, 2011

My Son - The Eagle Scout

This evening Ethan completed his last step in becoming and Eagle Scout. He was both excited and a little nervous. He passed with flying colors. We are so proud of him.

There were only two questions that took him a little by surprise, though he thought they were good ones.

The first one was, "If you had to remove one part of the Boy Scout Law, what part would it be?" Ethan took pause and thought about it for a while. Ultimately his answer was that he would take out "thrifty" as it is the only one that is self-interested. All of the other parts deal with involvement with others.

The other questions, albeit a bit more predictable, also required some thought. "How would you advice a young new scout?" Ethan replied, "I would tell him that there might come a time when it is hard to keep going, but you have to keep going. Later you will be glad you did." That is so true from his own experience. When he was around 13-14 he nearly lost interest. A bit later on his hooked back in and became jazzed about scouting again.

I look at these photos and see the journey he has traveled. He has gone from being the littlest guy in the troop (as you see in these photos from his troop trip to Washington) to the fine young man he is now.

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