(Ya' gotta notice Ellie's shoes, or well, her slippers, they were of interest to many of the bikers who wanted some for themselves. Can you imagine the tough men on podium with soft ducky slippers? It made us laugh to think of it. )
If you lived in Colorado in the 1970-late 1990's you probably heard of the Morgul Bismark Road Race. It was a world famous race with teams from all over the world competing. The race was featured in biking films such as "American Flyers" and "Breaking Away." Part of what it is famous for, or rather it is infamous for, is "The Wall," a grueling mile long 12% grade hill. Perhaps some of the photos of some of the boys on our team will convince you about its difficulty.

Ellie has been doing this race for a few years. She is always good at hills, though they are not her favorite. This morning she awoke with a head ache, feeling pukey and a bit dizzy. I kind of suggested that we could stay home if she was not feeling all that well, but I think she mostly ignored me as she practically pushed me out of the door and to the car. (She always wants to arrive at least an hour early.) I thought she might feel better after having some breakfast, but no such luck. I had to simply trust her to know her self, but felt better knowing that she had her phone with her and that friends were driving the sag wagon.
Even as the skies were threatening to spit, drizzle and maybe even rain, they lined up. Her heart was racing as there was serious competition at this race. Off they went, starting at the base of the dreaded "Wall" and out around HWY 93. They raced on. This year she had only to do a single 13.4 mile loop. Next year it will be two loops. I hitched a ride to the finish at the top of "The Wall" and anxiously awaited her arrival. I took time to visit with our friend Greg who is always wonderful about coming to the races and cheering for our kids. I chatted it up with biking friends, took photos and encouraged many who passed by. I saw her competition go by so I knew she would be showing up soon.

As she got near I could see that she was giving it her all. Her red, exhausted face told that story. My heart swelled with pride for her. She has such tenacity. Her friend, Ariana, zoomed by making it look easy.

In the end Ellie placed third and seemed pretty happy with that standing. The girl in first place is a national champion mountain bike racer who seems like a nice girl. Katie, whom Ellie goes to battle with at many races, placed second. That made sense to Ellie since Katie is so small, having less to pull up the mountain.

While we awaited results postings and podium, the girls cheered on the pro racers. Buddy kept them company. He is such a good dog. The girls made plans for the summer and concluded the day with a sleep over.