Monday, August 06, 2012

Race Rendezvous & The Thrill of Seeing a Design from Digital to "Real Life"!

Last week Ellie was sick. Coach Kathy received the team kits that Ellie and I designed on Thursday. I was very hopeful that Ellie would feel well enough to race. I wanted to see the new team kits. Thankfully, though she was not 100% all better, she was good enough to race. So up we went. I was feeling excited, almost giddy.
They boys seemed to like the design and it was very visible from way across the course. Main goal of design - achieved!

Don't they look so cute?

This one is funny because she almost fell off of the log. There are many more kids on the team. This simply represents who was racing on Saturday.

Afterwards they hung out together waiting for awards.

Although Ellie's speed was slow, she still won her category.

I love to see her return with a smile on her face.
The races up at Winter Park are also beautiful.

Ellie is sporting a rather interesting look these days. Scott thinks these pants make her look like a pirate. Maris and Matthew like them. Ellie is certainly her own person.

On other fronts, my oven is broken. Between trying to cook Paleo meals, having a broken grill and broken oven, cooking is kind of a drag. I'm indulging in music instead. Here are some I've recently discovered:

And I rather like this for my boy:

Teaser // Mission Workshop presents Julien Colombier from Mission Workshop on Vimeo.

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