Sunday, April 14, 2013


Prom was last night. Each year I offer to take Ellie with me. She and Kohlton have attended the Arvada High School prom with me for the last two year. We have our own dances at Alpine valley School, but they are very different from prom.

Ellie opted for a fun and funky kind of look this year by wearing her Old Gringo cowboy boots with her Jessica McClintock dress. She is cute so she can rock that look.

It was at the Chateaux Xaiver in Broomfield. Each year StuCo seeks out a new venue. This is the only one they have repeated in my 13 years of going to the AHS proms. It is also my nearly favorite location. It is certainly pretty.

As the kids leave prom they are given a special glass.

Next up is the After Prom party. The parent volunteers at our school raise money all year long to make this even free for every junior and senior (as well as their dates), even those who did not go to prom. For many years they have rented out the entire Apex Recreation Center in Arvada. They decorate many of the areas. They serve up tons of fun food, have games and lots of activities.

The kids can get their photos taken, get fake tattoos, play poker for prizes, swim, ice skate, rock climb, do the blow up thingy, play ping pong, etc. The parents also have tons of really cool raffle prizes. I am very impressed with the whole event.The After Prom party runs from 11:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. Thankfully, Brit is willing to pick the kids up and deliver Ellie home. I sleep on the couch until they arrive.

This tradition was started many, many years ago as a way to combat the number of drunk driving accidents and unintended pregnancies that were occurring in relation to prom.

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