Some of the most wonderful things happening today do not show up well in photographs. Spring is beginning to make an appearance in our yard. My beloved
hostas are poking out tightly spiraled greens that will
unfurl soon into a leafy splendor. The violets are primping for Easter. The freckle violets are the most active. The Ethan Andrew violets (yep - named after my very own son, created and named on the day he was born) are not far behind. The bleeding hearts that have been hiding for the last two years are popping up, too. The veggies are off to a promising start. The lettuce, carrots and beets have sweet, small true leaf shoots coloring the soil. The pea, however, seem to be lacking. We are beginning to wonder if the squirrels went for an early treasure hunt. Two weeks and no sign of growth - its a little weird. We might have to replant those this weekend.
Vacation Recap - Last Tuesday we were cruising through the country side in New Mexico. One of the most
notable stops was at the
El Santuario de Chimayo. It is an adobe church built in 1816. It has a small room where people go to get holy dirt that is supposed to bring about
miracle healings. The room near that spot is filled with pictures and letters asking, praying, for help, hoping for peace and resolution. It was a beautiful, historical spot. In the sanctuary it feels like you have gone back in time. After taking the long route there, we arrived in Santa Fe. The kids were thrilled with the indoor pool and the not-too-hot hot tub.
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