Thanks to Natalie for my favorite Easter display of 2009. I find it inspirational!
Ethan called last night, all a buzz about his first day in Jamaica. They spent the day putzing around. They went to the barn where his cousin Anna practices. She is on the Jamaican Horse Riding team. She could not bring her own horse, but rides a lovely one that she is renting from a girl who is spending the year in China. It has been a great experience so far. Their family will move back to Colorado at the beginning of June so her time with them is limited. They also seemed to spend the day eating. On Friday Ethan had a great dinner from a stand where they sell Jerk Chicken. Ethan ate lots of different things and took lots of photos. When he went back on Saturday the man teased him saying, "Ah maaaaan, aren' yah' gonna take no more photos of me, maaaaaan?" Ethan just smiled in response. He is really taken with the beauty of the land and the freshness of the food. He tried many new things yesterday. He says the juice, made as you wait, is amazing. What he finds very interesting is the driving. He had never been in a country where there is the European style where the car is on the left and the driver sits on the right side. He is also amazed that there seems to be no seatbelts or speed limits. Every time you drive you take your life in your hands. Uncle Rex estimates that the average speed of travel regardless of where you are is 80 mph. Bridges are especially intense since it becomes a game of chicken since they are only one lane wide. The police are in full force wearing tactical gear and carrying serious weapons. Anna and Calvin are done with school until next fall so they were going to burn Calvin's school uniform. Today they head for the beach.
On the Colorado front, we cleaned hour, I went to a baby shower and Ellie went to a babysitting job. It feels odd to have each of us farmed out in different directions. It is alright, too. This morning is quiet. I am getting ready for our family Easter party this afternoon. I am making my ever popular Sour Cream Lemon Rolls. They are always a hit. Here's the recipe. I make it in the bread machine but I am certain it could be done by hand:
Sour Cream Lemon Rolls
9 rolls (18 rolls)
2/3 (1 1/3) cup Sour Cream
2 (2) Eggs
1/4 (1/2) cup Sugar
1/2 (1) tea. Salt
2 (4) cup Bread Flour
1 1/2 (3) tea. Lemon Peel, grated
1 1/2 (2 1/2) tea. Yeast
Place the ingredients in the bread pan, select Dough setting and press start.
Once the dough has risen once remove it from the pan. Turn it out on a floured cutting board and knead for 5 minutes. Roll into a long rope shape. Using a sharp knife or dough scraper cut the dough into 9(18) pieces. Roll each piece into a ball and place it in a pan. I muffin tins.
Cover with a tea towel and allow to rise in a warm place (I turn my oven on to 350 degrees and let my bread rise on the cooktop, being warmed from the heat from the oven below.)until double in size, usually 30-45 minutes. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees for 20 minutes before you bake your rolls. They should take about 20 minutes to become nicely browned and done. I like to rub a stick of butter on the hot buns right after I remove them from the oven. These are best served warm. The leftovers make really wonderful bread pudding, especially if you add a light lemon sugar glaze to it.

Another fun Easter treat Ethan, Natalie, Ben, Camille and I made were some cake pops. We had fun, but found them to be much more challenging than we had expected. You can learn more on how to make them from Bakerella and The Pioneer Woman. And finally, thanks to Natalie for the inspirational Easter display. I hope you all had a wonderful day.

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