They both did so well. Now, I am proud of them because they both made it to the podium this weekend. However, I am more proud of how they dealt with the events. They are at that age where they grow by leaps and bounds both physically and emotionally. This weekend they were troopers who raced through the lovely country side of Deer Trail with its highways that remind you of a roller coaster ride. They never complained about the wind or the rapidly changing weather. They persisted.

On Sunday they race just north of Boulder where they speed around Haystack Mountain on beucolic country roads.They each competed as individuals in the morning, took a rest for a while and then raced as a two girl team. They were the only girls to take up the charge. They said they were going to just go for a spin since they had the first place buttoned up, but instead they kicked it into high gear, going faster together at the end of a lot of racing, than they had each done alone.

Laura, Ari and I leap frogged them in the van. We would drive ahead of them, jump out to cheer and speed forward again. We could see the efforts wearing on their faces, but they also smiled and laughed when we made fun, silly fools of us as we cheered, clanged cow bells and jumped up and down. It was a reminder for me how a good friend can really help you get through stuff faster and with more style.
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