Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Blossoms of Lights

Christmas is a magical time. One element of that magic for me is the wonderful and dazzling light displays. Last week Ellie and Ethan got to go to the opening of the Blossoms of Lights at the local botanic gardens. When we were there just a few weeks ago we stopped and talked to one of the men who were getting ready for this event. He was putting the lights on the Candy Cane striped tree you see in one of the photos here. He said that the trunk alone had 245 strings of lights. He could not even estimate how many were used for the entire garden display. I asked him if he took his skill home and made light magic there too. "No, if you want to see my lights you gotta come here. At home I only put up some fake garlands on my mailbox." We replied that we could understand how he would tire of it, but thanked him in advance for the wonderment and excitement his work would create for others. It is really like something out of a fun dream.
The kids actually went with their Aunt Lilia and Uncle Mark. They don't have their own kids so our lucky kids get to fill the part from time to time. They always do it up right. They went out for dinner at a place that features live performers during dinner. Then they got fun glasses that put up optical images of snowmen and Santa faces when you looked at the lights. They were going to get peppermint hot chocolate from the Starbucks at the park, but they ran out just as it was their turn to purchase them. The kids were both aglow and a buzzin' by the time they got home. What lucky children I have.

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