Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Nursery Rhyme Remix in Photoshop

In my Photoshop class today we were placed into groups and asked to do a nursery rhyme remix/mash-up. Between five of us we had prepared for three different stories. My self and one other person chose "The Owl & The Pussy Cat" (not actually a nursery rhyme - but that's okay.) Two more had "Hey Diddle, Diddle" and Sean wanted,. "Pocket Full of Six Pence." We were asked to rewrite the story and illustrate it. The clincher was that we only had about two hours in which to get it all done. Here's what we came up with:

Pea Green Boat & The Animals Unite

The Owl and the Pussy Cat wanted to get to the sea
In a beautiful pea green boat.

The Cat played the fiddle
To keep the King in the middle
And the Owl flew away with the fee.

The cow did his part
With all of his heart
To make a scene
To distract the Queen.

So the Spoon could make a start
While the Dog made his way towards the Tart.

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