Monday, April 30, 2012

GMC Team Jerseys: Variations on a Theme

Ellie and Kathy (the head coach) both liked the original design, but also asked for a little more to be added. Ethan thought there might be too many flames. He likes things very plain, so that was no surprise.
Here's the original design. Ellie thought we should add something to make the flames more interesting. Kathy thought it might be nice to add some color to the mountains.

In this variation I added the requested colors on the mountain and switched up the colors on one sleeve. This would make it easy to spot in a race, not that we expect a lot of others teams going with the same color scheme.

And then there are always variations on the enhanced flames. I wanted a more hot rod flame sort of look, but could not make it work with the time I have today to work on this project.

I'm not sure if any of these are the right design. It may just be my mood. I feel ineffectual today. The end of the school year is hard, especially this year as it has been one of the hardest years of my teaching career. Maybe I am just tired. I'll know soon enough.

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