Friday, April 12, 2013

My How Our Garden Grows

Weather here has been up and down in wild fits. We've had weather where we are already hot in our shorts and tank tops. We've also had emails and phone calls this week from ThunderCall warning us of a winter blizzard. Through it all the early spring garden has marched forward.

It seemed to take forever for the peas to break ground. I am sure it was actually less than two weeks. Still, I was a bit worried.

The lettuce and dwarf kale were the perkiest of the plants to show up first. We've never grown kale before, but are excited to see how it does here. There is an organic farm next to Mark's shop in Boulder that grows several types of kale, so I expect that it will be happy.

The mounted artimisa is one of my absolute favor plants in my garden.It is grey green and oh so soft.

The daffodils and lupines are fun, too. I am glad to see that the lupine survived the winter. It was a tiny, new plant last year. I have larger ones in other parts of the garden.

Hyacinths are Mother Nature's way of saying, "Spring has arrived!"

Last night Ellie and I helped represent the Colorado High School Cycling League at the Women's Night event at Wheat Ridge Cyclery. It was a lot of fun. Ellie has volunteered to help with Trips for Kids, a non-profit organization that is interested in introducing biking to kids who might not otherwise experience the joy one can find on a bike. I am thrilled that my girl is interested in helping others.

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