Friday, September 12, 2008

Zucchini & Garlic Soup Recipe & Our Vegetable Garden

Our garden, like so many of our friend's gardens, has taken off at a full run. It is both rejuvenating to see so much life and growth out in our little dirt patch, and a little chaotic. You could loose a small child or animal in all that foliage. Luckily, I don't have to worry. All children, large or small, who wander in our vegetable garden somehow find their way back out.

The most successful item this year, as it has been for so many years, is the sunflowers that are planted dutifully by the birds each year. I enjoy then and then when they get watered too much or there has been a big rain, they fall over from the sheer top heavy weight of their cheerful flowers and ample leaves. I trim off the flower and buds, bringing them inside to enjoy until the life has left them dried and drooping. I actually thing the veggies are happy for it. The humongous sunflower plants are show stealing divas.

With the garden abundance comes zucchini by the truckload. Okay, not actually, but it is very available. Yesterday a friend of mine, Kirsten, sent me her new favorite recipe. It was turning gloomy and setting up for a long rain, so I thought I would give it a go. Her recipes are ALWAYS great. I made it, served it up with a sliced, buttered and toasted loaf of lovely sourdough bread and it was gone in no time. Thus, I decided that I needed to make a recipe card of it to share. You can copy it and have it printed as you would a 4X6 photo, or you can click on it (which opens it in a new window) and print it out. I hope you enjoy it as much as we have. I think I will give a copy of the recipe to all my vegetarian friends.

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