Monday, February 17, 2014

Aho Matey ~ A Friend Visits Ethan on the Hawaiian Chieftan

Our friends Paul and Emily happen to be in San Francisco at the same time that the Hawaiian Chieftan is in the bay so they went for a visit. I am oh so thankful that they did. It means that I got some photos of Ethan in all of his sailing glory. He is very handsome.
Ethan is singing sea shanties for the guests. Paul says that the captain has kind words about Ethan's singing.
Ethan also works through the sailing. He looks like such a young man. Sometimes I wonder if I blinked and he suddenly grew up. That is what this is like.
What a wonderful adventure. I would love to go out and see him in person.
Sunday evening after the work was done, Ethan was able to meet up with Jesse, a good friend and AVS graduate, who happens to be living in Oakland and working in San Francisco.

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