Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sunday with my Son

Ethan and I had most of the day together. Larr was off rock climbing in a gym. Ellie was out trying to track animals in the snow before the top layer melted. Then she got to go to lunch with her friend. That left the boy and I. We had a blast.
I had purchased this book, The Art of Chocolate earlier. I had intended that it be a Valentine's day present, but I could not resist. I wanted him to have it. We promptly went to Whole Foods, a top of the line organic grocery store, and pickup up some wonderful ingredients. We purchased three different types of Elray Chocolates (Milk, Dark and White), lovely pecans and fancy gel candies.
Then the cooking commenced. We began with the eggroll recipe that was posted at on January 29, 2007. We were intrigued. In Colorado you usually have the choice of veggie or chicken eggrolls. This recipe calls for smoked pork and shrimp. We loved it. It was hard for us to set up the food shot here without taking any bites - it all smelled so good. Too bad you are not here to share them with us. As you can see, we have plenty!
Next came truffles. We made several kinds. We made dark chocolate with cuppacinno. double dark chocolate, milk chocolate, milk chocolate with roasted pecans and milk chocolate with white chocolate coating. WIth so much to do, we did not get it all done. We will share photos of the finished project soon. I think they will make lovely tokens of love and friendship for a few special local folks.

1 comment:

Peg said...

Oh..... YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!